Part 2 - WANTED: For Name, Word and Symbol Theft ― A Brief Study of Corporate Deification and the Monkey Wrench
The influence of ‘the word’ cannot be underestimated as it is woven into the Biblical underpinnings that rule a good chunk of the world's consciousness as well as the legal, educational and advertising systems.
Is it possible that masses of people bow down to brand-names because “In the beginning was The Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”? Various religions deify “the word.”
If you look up the meaning of a name, you'll see that it actually comes from a word or phrase. When meeting someone, you might as well ask, ‘What’s your word?’ – or since action is often implied, ‘What’s your wording?’ – as it would get closer to knowing what that person is about.
No doubt that word/name brand-recognition sells, whether luxury items or fast-food/low-budget franchises across the global ruin-the-landscape; it's virtually the same stores everywhere you go―with brand-names you can trust like the heavenly father. Brand names, especially with high-end products, are supposedly superior (a form of domination) to generic ones (common people), therefore: In the beginning of marketing was the Brand of God. Are not churches (no offense to anyone's personal connection with God/Spirit) the biggest franchise in history? They're everywhere.
The brand word/name as having a godly aura then takes corporate personhood to another level: corporate deification. Add to that the Doctrine of Christian Discovery/Domination with its Biblical underpinnings, plus that Native Peoples typically experience life as ongoing, without beginning or end, plus in Hebrew “olam” is past-present-future or eternal, from whence El Olam, Hebrew name for ‘God who has no beginning and no end,’ and we arrive at: In the beginning (of the institutional Christian world) was The Word “Domination” (which then became a global brand).
“The capitalized form "IN GOD WE TRUST" first appeared on the two-cent in 1864.”[1]
That capitalized lettering represents a further layer of the merging of Church and Corporation (and State, a triple combo called theofascism), creating a corporate deification because:
“Your legal UPPERCASE NAME is the name that the government uses to identify you [look at your driver's license or birth certificate]. Most of us have been conditioned to think that our legal names are actually who we are. In reality, our legal names are not who we are because each of us is a man or woman with a body made of flesh and blood.
“UPPERCASE NAMES are not real, living and breathing people, but instead are symbols of things (FICTION, non-beings). In legal terms, names are artificial persons which are corporations. In other words, your legal name represents the corporate name that is used by the government to identify you.
“The evidence that names are artificial persons can be found in the legal definition of the word NAME. Black’s Law Dictionary (6th edition) defines the word name using these exact words: “The designation of an individual person, or of a firm or corporation.” The word corporation is defined by the same law dictionary as, “An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state.” Based on the definitions in this paragraph, in law, a NAME can be a corporation which is an artificial person.”
“That is right your name in all capital letters is a corporation set up for you by the UNITED STATES Corporation. Another truth is that your Federal Government is a Corporation.”[2]
Advertising and consumerism aim to make you feel like a king/queen/CEO in your castle―a little corporate sovereign, feeding off of the big ones. Burger King, Dairy Queen, King’s Laundromat, King Kullen Grocery Co., Inc., Shell - formerly known as Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, and the following sampling of companies/corporations, both low-budget and high-end, have a “crown” logo: King’s Laundromat, KLM - otherwise known as KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Corona beer, Rolex, Hallmark, Starbucks, Alfa Romeo, Pandora jewelry, Ritz Carlton hotels, Moet & Chandon champagne, Royal Jordanian Airlines.[3]
And the capital NAME derives from Admiralty law or maritime law . . . which reminds of Columbus and the ships.
As Steven T. Newcomb (Shawnee-Lenape) lucidly explains (in a 2022 interview for my podcast), “The way in which we name things creates the reality that we experience. … The first naming that the colonizers engaged in .. a key example is Columbus when he went to that very first island, the Taino People understood it as being Guanahani, and that was their name for that island. So he went there and he put the name San Salvador on that island... the holy savior as expressed in Spanish meaning Jesus, to that island, and so it's not just the name but it's the entire system of meaning that's attached to that name as well. So the entire theology of Christianity, the Bible, everything you can think of that that entails or that's included in that idea of the holy savior and that contextualizes that concept, that's all contained in that one name, and so that whole reality system is then being superimposed on that island and everybody living there. … And the first way in which that claim of a right of domination gets imposed is through that naming process.”[4]
The institutional Church, corporations and money are a subtext of the influence of word/name-brands. All this is in direct contradiction to the very being that the Church supposedly deified and follows, for he is quoted in the Bible as saying: "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon" (mammon = money/wealth.)
Furthermore, the oft-cited episode of Jesus overturning the tables of the money-lenders, referred to as the “cleansing of the Temple,” shows that Jesus was a monkey wrench of his day.
(“Christ Expelling the Money-Changers from the Temple” - Nicolas Colombel
(“Casting out the money changers” - Giotto)
(“Christ Driving the Money Changers out of the Temple” - Valentin de Boulogne)
Word Shell Games
Another example of word re-naming is from a recent episode of First Voices Radio[5]. Dr. Tink Tinker (Osage - Wazhazhe) repeatedly mentioned the word “abstract,” explaining how abstract nouns have been used to manipulate consciousness and subsequent actions, the prime example being the conversion of land into “property” which “chopped up our Grandmother [Earth] into pieces."
And subsequently, the corporate sales lingo got chopped up too:
“Promise” is the name of a vegetable oil butter substitute. A fancy car is named after a “Jaguar.” “So Delicious” makes dairy-free products. There is “Smartwater” and there are “smart phones” and “smart bombs,” the latter of which, if you ask me, is G-D-damned stupid. And here's a sampling of brand names that have become commonly used words, signifying the corporatization of the language and our so-called free speech: “Chapstick” “Kleenex” “Band-Aid” “Zipper” “Windbreaker” “Crock-Pot” “Dumpster” “Realtor” “Bubble Wrap.”[6] When people tell me to “Google it,” I bark back, “No, web-search!”
But underneath the wordplay and shiny surface appeal of all the word/name-brand mind manipulations, something else is lurking. As Newcomb says about Guanhani/San Salvador: “…so it's not just the name but it's the entire system of meaning that's attached to that name as well.” And that includes a perpetuating of the system: the “way in which that claim of a right of domination gets imposed is through that naming process.”
Mario Savio’s infamous Sproul Hall Sit-in Address on December 2, 1964, at the University of California, Berkeley, was given at the height of the Free Speech Movement. He said, though actually shouted:
“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all![7]
Some choose to directly battle the machine, while others on the front lines have no choice but to do so. Others work through the legal system or to raise awareness and shift consciousness via the arts and in other ways. And sometimes they overlap. If you care enough about Grandmother Earth and want to see the ending of the system of domination and corporate NAMING, choose your monkey wrench. And while you're at it, if you don't already know what your own full name/words signify, web-search it, as you’'ll get a clue as to how to go about your work.
NOTES with links:
[1] “In God We Trust”
[2] “Why Your Legal Name is Written in All CAPITAL LETTERS”
“Reclaim your Sovereignty: Your Birth Right or Rightful Birth?”
[3] “The world’s most famous companies with crown logos”
[4] Get Lit With Literature podcast
[5] First Voices Radio
[6 “50 Everyday Words that Actually Started as Brands and Trademarks”
Thanks, Nowick : )
Good one including the conclusion: "Choose your monkey wrench." :)